APC Administration
Welcome to Avonworth Primary Center!
I am Dr. Scott Miller and I have served as Avonworth Primary Center's Principal since the building's opening in the fall of 2014. Prior to becoming principal, I was the Assistant Elementary School Principal (K-5) from 2010-2014. My teaching career began at Avonworth as a 6th grade math teacher in the middle school in 2005.
I completed my Ph.D. in Instructional Management and Leadership through Robert Morris University in 2016. As part of my doctoral research, I studied the impact of creativity measures through student participation in a maker space.
In addition to being an administrator, I am an active member in Trying Together (formally PAEYC), the Remake Learning network, and serve on the leadership team for the AIU/United Way's Hi5 Kindergarten Transition Program.
APC Contacts
Dr. Scott Miller
Primary Center Principal
412-369-8738 x1900
Mrs. Michelle Ralston
Primary Center Secretary
412-366-7171 x1902